Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Are your Priorities aligned with your goals?

It's been quite the week so far, a lot of boxes and planning centered around our recent move. It's all worth it to have our own slice of heaven in the city with great views. Each day I have a new list of 3 goals for the day that I need to complete( I'll go into detail in next week's post) and it helps keep me focused on my goals and inspired to always take action and not just daydream.
The other day I ran into an old friend of mine and we catched up about where we are in our lives. I shared sparse details about two big projects I'm working on and she shared that she's planning on going on a trip to celebrate warmer air. I wished her luck and we parted ways for the evening.
During my drive home I couldn't help replaying what she'd mentioned about her upcoming vacay. My friend, although I adore her, isn't experienced in prioritizing or long-term planning. Here's a girl, very intelligent and talented, but cannot look pass two weeks in her future and prefers shopping over paying off her debts. With this in mind, I will share 3 tips on prioritizing so that you always come out on top.

1. Get Real!
The area in which most of us never prioritize is our finances. We never have enough and if we did we would rather buy new shoes than pay our cable bill. To make it easier, record all of your income sources and the amounts, add in the dates if you can. Next, write down all of your expenses and be honest.

2. Get Creative!
Come up with ways that you can remove an expense (cancel the cable service) or reduce it (join Netflix instead of cable). Do your research, call the respective companies and negotiate for lower premiums.

3. Grow Up!
Congrats on all that you've achieved my grasshopper. Now, sit down where you'll have privacy and think of how you've gotten in your rut. Why don't your prioritize paying cell phone bill; perhaps it's because you hate the phone and the customer service. Okay, cool, now change it!

Look, we can meditate and discuss how love is the most important thing, it really is; however, if we never pair than with aggressive action, then we'll be just another dreamer.  I love the message of aligning with passions, love it, but how about using the power of paradox and actually doing it? How about actually make your writing samples and driving to the newspaper office and offer your services? I think that's spiritual and cool.

Challenge! Challenge!:
In the comments below, write at least one big thing you've been "meaning to get around to", the consequence of being lazy and at least 3 actions you'll take TODAY to make it happen.

In Grace,

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