Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The 3 Things to do Everyday

In this overstimulating, instant gratification world, it's common to make a page-long to-do list and rarely complete more than five in a given week. Why? Experts tell us that it's because we get overwhelmed wit so many tasks that we rather not do any of it. That sucks when you factor in the results being late fees, missed events and more trouble.
Recently, I found a great way of hitting my to-dos, including the things I enjoy and for my business. Let's jump in:
  • The Everyday/Mundane
  • Business
  • Passion
For you entrepreneurs and work-at-homes alike, it can be easy to get suckered into daily tasks- laundry, dishes, car maintenance, etc. Usually once that's done, one is too drained to write and hustle, or it can be vice versa. There are many ways to get organized, this is just a guide for prioritizing your daily o-dos so that you progress daily.
  • Business- What's the best thing you can do today, with the resources at hand, to move forward? Perhaps you really need to crank out that blog post or complete your marketing campaign. Whatever it is, set aside 1-2 hours to complete, from start to finish, remember. Example: Wake up earlier and write that blog post.
  • The Everyday- What's one thing you could do that'll remove your stress about your home/car/finances? Ok now do it! Perhaps you can take out an hour to review your bank statement to ensure you're following your budget, or maybe you need to start a budget first! *This isn't an excuse to do only housework, unless it's cleaning day, and get stuck in the everyday things. Example: Go to the carwash- wash, gloss, clean seats, vacuum, etc.
  • Passion- What's the one thing you're crazy about? When you do it, you light up and you're day becomes perfect? Well do that. Maybe it's painting, jogging or volunteering, Just do it. From personal experience, I find it best to save this from last so that you can truly focus and not worry anout cooking or bills when meditating, Example: If unsire, just wander around your home and do whatever you're pulled to (dance to music, decorate, etc.) and do it and later on make note of it so that you can continue on tomorrow.
In life, many things come up and we all want better control and enjoyment, Taking a step each day yields better results than waiting for that one perfect day where you'll do it all (called no day).

Challenge! Challenge!:
In the comments below, do share the 3 daily things you can do for just 3 days that'll maximize your productivity and confidence.

In Grace,

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